Use a cold case. The temperature of the case before putting it in the Kase Mate matters. The Kase Mate does not make the case colder- it is designed to conveniently keep a cold case cold, for much longer. To maximize your experience, be sure the case is cold to begin with.
- If it’s in your refrigerator at home, make sure the temperature is on a lower setting. For improved performance, place the case on an upper/ top rack in the refrigerator since most cool from the top down.
- If it’s at a store, choose a case behind a glass door instead of one sitting in the open if possible. If all cases are in an open refrigerator, then we recommend picking a case that is a few rows behind the ones in the front since they are less exposed and tend to be colder.
- Insert into Kase Mate as soon as possible. Since the Kase Mate is designed to keep cold cases cold, not make warm cases cold, the sooner you insert the cold case into the Kase Mate to preserve the chill the better.
- Keep out of direct sunlight when possible. This will reduce the direct heat from sunlight and result in better performance.
- Keep the top flap fully closed. The top flap is made for convenient access to your drinks. As convenient as it is to open, it’s also convenient to close. Each time the flap is opened, the cold air surrounding the cans gets forced out and replaced by the warm air from outside of the Kase Mate. Opening the flap is unavoidable, and the Kase Mate is designed to withstand multiple open/ closes. However, the Kase Mate is not designed to function with the flap left open for extended periods of time.
If you follow these tips, you’re on your way to maximizing your experience with your Kanga Kase Mate.
For reference, we had the Kase Mate third-party tested for performance by Professional Testing Labs. The variables and performance were as follows.
- Case Starting Temperature: 38 Degrees Fahrenheit (Average Refrigerator Temperature in the US)
- Ambient Room Temperature: 75 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Testing Process: Every hour, a beer was removed from the Kase Mate and temperature was taken. The beer was not replaced (to simulate a more realistic situation).
- “Cold” Threshold: The “Cold” Threshold was set at 50 Degrees Fahrenheit. “Cold” can be quite subjective. For our reference point, we used the same threshold as Coors Light. The signature “Blue Mountains when cold” feature uses 50 Degrees Fahrenheit as the threshold for the mountains to turn blue.
- Results: We found that it took 7 hours for the beers to reach 50 Degrees from their initial 38 Degree starting point. This range, from 38-50 degrees is our “Cold Zone”, thus substantiating our claim of “cold for up to 7 hours”.